Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sketchbook 2011-2012

I recently finished my personal sketchbook that I started just after I moved to England this time last year. Here's a few photos of some of the things I've been doodling over the past 12 months...

Looking back, I think I've been clearly influenced by vinyl toy artists, and vector character illustrations I've seen in Computer Arts magazines. Although I've enjoyed exploring this type of art, and I like the simplified style of drawing, I feel it is perhaps a bit too simple in its approach, and I'm keen to incorporate more comic book style illustration. I think I'll also try and work on drawing architecture and life drawing, to hopefully improve and continue looking for that ever elusive personal "style".

I've already started my next sketchbook (in between rediscovering my acoustic guitar, and trying out the Mac's GarageBand for the first time!). Lets see what the next 12 months bring!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Flying House

It's been a while since my last update, but I haven't stopped sketching! Here's something I drew this week, probably with a little inspiration from Disney Pixar's "Up"...

In other news, I think I'm finally getting somewhere with the online portfolio update. After sampling a few different systems with varying degrees of success, I've settled for Cargo Collective. The templates are so simple yet look very professional, and the ability to edit CSS means there's still room for some geeky customisation if I feel like delving into coding any further! 

My new site is still a work-in-progress so for now I'll continue to use Carbonmade and this blog. But I'm pretty keen to get the new Cargo site up and running, so stay tuned for an update.